Lakror Me Miell Misri

Today we want to share a traditional Albanian recipe, Lakror Me Miell Misri, a delicious stinging nettles recipe.
Nettles are a plant with many nutritional values. They help a lot in the human body in cleansing it of toxins. Nettle tea helps cleanse the urinary tract from infections and stimulates digestion. It also helps treat gallstones, cure skin allergies reaction and eczema, removes dandruff from the hair, help in stabilizing and low the blood pressure, and regulates metabolism in the body. Consumption of nettle in the form of tea can help in reducing blood glycemia levels in patients with diabetes. They also cure arthritis, etc. They are usually consumed in the spring season because they are fresh and cook very quickly. But even in the autumn season, we can find them growing fresh nettles, so if you find them even in this season, do not hesitate to cook them in your favorite recipes such as cabbage, pie, supra, risotto, etc.

Pispili me Miell Misri-Albanian Recipe

Polenta And Spinach Recipe


  • Corn flour-three glasses (500-600 g)
  • Three glasses of water
  • salt, olive oil

For the filling

  • 1 kg of wild fresh nettles
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp of flour
  • corn flour for the top
  • olive oil
  • salt

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  1. First, we will wash and clean the nettles. We cut the leaves from the stalk with scissors, using gloves so that they do not burn us. Rinse them carefully with running water and cook them in a pot with a few tablespoons of olive oil and a little salt covered with a lid. When the nettles tender and exhaust all their juice, we will add the milk and boil them covered with a lid until they cook properly. Nettles are ready when we lightly can press them with the back of the wooden spoon. Fresh nettles do not need so much time to cook, but if you want to prepare this recipe for a while, you can also blend it in a food processor or blender.
    When the nettles cook, we will add two tablespoons of corn or wheat flour, which makes the filling more creamy.
  2. In the second step, we prepare the corn dough base.
    In a pot, we put water, salt, and olive oil and let it boil.
  3. In a deep bowl, we will throw the cornflour, and by mixing it with a wooden spoon, adding boiled water little by little. The flour starts to increase in volume and made a soft dough. The whole amount of flour should be well mixed with the amount of water.
  4. Lay the dough in a baking pan greased with oil and open it in the same way, raising it sideways 2 cm to create a border. We will use a container of cold water where we will occasionally moisten the palm of our hand to properly level and open the dough, as the dough opens still hot in the pan.
    Lakror Me Miell Misri-Family Cooking Recipes
  5. Add the nettle filling over the base and level it with a wooden spoon. Sprinkle the surface with cornflour and then sprinkle the flour with water, so when it bakes, it creates a thin crunchy layer. Add olive oil and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Let it cool a bit for 10 minutes, cut it into pieces, and consume it accompanied by yogurt.

Bon Appetit!Lakror Me Miell Misri-Family Cooking RecipesLakror Me Miell Misri-Family Cooking Recipes

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