This Instant Pizza Dough is one of the recipes to try, especially when you have young children and want a pizza at the moment. So, if you happen to want to consume pizza for 10 minutes, you do NOT have WHY to order it at the nearest pizzeria, but this way, you can cook it yourself quickly and deliciously.
I had never prepared pizzas with this type of flour. I have always used yeast in pizza dough. This time for speed, I tested a ready-made pizza flour with the baking rise powder inside. You can find such flour in the supermarket.
So the dough obtained does not need to rise, but we can proceed directly to the pizza made.
Furthermore, we can roll it directly and transfer it into the pizza baking pans or let it rest for a maximum of a few minutes while we prepare the ingredients for the pizza topping, cutting them, and making them ready.
Also, you can try our Best Homemade Pizza Dough.
- 500 g of ready-made pizza flour with instant baking powder
- 200 ml of milk
- 100 ml of water
- 1/2 tsp of salt
- 2 tbsp of olive oil
For Pizza topping
- tomato puree
- Mozzarella cheese
- Bacon, mushrooms, peppers, olives
- First, we will make a soft dough mixing the ingredients as above.
- Then, let it rest for a while until we cut the mushrooms, peppers, grate the cheese into cubes and slices, and prepare the pans for baking.
- Next, divide the dough into two parts and roll two circular pizza discs.
- Start by adding the tomato sauce into the first layer, then place the ingredients as desired and top with the grated cheese. You can use the cheese you prefer the most.
- Finally, bake the pizzas in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 13-15 minutes.
- Then, take them out of the oven, let them cool for a few minutes, and wait for them.
- In the end, I want to say this. I cook pizza for my family, and I recommend this pizza dough as a quick solution and prepared by your hand’s delicious homemade pizza. In this way, you will make your children happy whenever you want.
Bon Appetit!
My Last Thought
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