Pickled Tomatoes Recipe

Pickled Tomatoes Recipe is one of the recipes of our traditional Albanian pickles. It is never absent among the Albanian pickle ones. Like mixed pickles or pickles with eggplant, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, etc., this is one of the most favorite pickles in the family.

How To Make Pickled Green Tomatoes

According to the tradition in our family, this pickle makes only with water and salt, but it also requires that the place where we keep it or the climate be quite cold.

Above all, it is better to use organic tomatoes, which we had in our yard. We must choose green, durable, and not damaged tomatoes. This way, you can make pickles without worries. They turned out tasty and without using conservates.

First, we clean the tomatoes well in water and vinegar, and after rinsing, we will let them drain well.

We can place whole or sliced ​​tomatoes depending on the container you are going to fill.

The salt solution needs to make with clean water and coarse grain salt.

In other terms, when we do not have the climatic conditions to enable a good tomato pickle with only water and salt, we will use a little vinegar in the solution. In this way, the tomatoes stay firm and do not soften.


  • 2 kg of green tomatoes
  • 1.5 – 2 liter of water
  • 1-2 tbsp of coarse salt
  • 3-4 tbsp of white vinegar for each jar
  • bay leaves, basil, garlic, black pepper


  1. First, we will sterilize the jars and lids by boiling them.
  2. Then, prepare the pickle solution by boiling water with salt until it gets oily. We will let it cool.
  3. Next, clean the tomatoes well in water with vinegar.Pickled Tomatoes Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  4. We cut the tomatoes into slices so that the jars fill as well as possible, but you can also leave the grain, as they do not get much salt.
  5. At the bottom of the jar, we will place the bay or basil leaves, garlic, and peppercorns.
  6. Then, put the sliced tomatoes in the jar.Pickled Tomatoes Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  7. Add the cooled brine. Add the vinegar. Make sure the tomatoes cover entirely with water and vinegar solution.
  8. Also, try to remove the air bubbles with a wooden spoon.Pickled Tomatoes Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  9. Close the jar tightly and leave it in a cool, dark place. For the first few days, we can shake a little bit the pickle jars from the bottom up so that the water with the vinegar circulates. After 3-4 weeks, the pickles are ready.
    Pickled Tomatoes Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes

Bon Appetit!

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