Byrek Me Spinaq

The Byrek Me Spinaq is a delicious Spinach And Green Onions Albanian burek recipe that you should try.
For this recipe, I used the dough recipe to open the phyllo layers by hand. You can use the same filling for ready-made pie noodles or classic phyllo dough ones.

Meanwhile, we will prepare the filling with fresh, uncooked spinach, boiled or cooked in a pan.

It is enough that we have washed and cleaned the spinach and green onions well before.

Also, You can try the Albania Spinach Pie (Spinach and Cottage cheese pie).

IngredientsByrek Me Spinaq- Family Cooking Recipes

For the dough

  • 620-650 g of all-purpose flour
  • 400 ml warm water
  • salt

The filling

  • 800 g -1 kg of fresh spinach
  • 3-4 green onions
  • 100 g of feta cheese
  • 1 egg + 1 egg white
  • 1 egg yolk to brush on the top of the burek layers
  • parsley or dill
  • 60 g of melted butter
  • 60 ml of corn or sunflower oil



  1. First, we will prepare the dough. In a deep bowl, add warm water, dilute the salt and gradually add the flour.
  2. We will mix first with a fork and gradually work the dough by hand. You will see by yourself, as it should be a little softer than that classic phyllo dough.
  3. Then, knead the dough for a few minutes well on the table. If necessary, add a little flour.
  4. After, divide the dough into pieces. Divide into six, eight, or even more. Depending on what you think, you can open the phyllo layers. If you are a beginner, work with smaller pieces of dough to open not too large noodles.
  5. Next, put them on a napkin and cover them. Let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes.
  6. As time goes on, we will roll each of the separate pieces of dough into the circles with a diameter of 20-30 cm.
  7. Use a little flour for this process, but shake off the excess flour always at the end.
  8. Next, place the open noodles on a plate, and brush them well on the surface by mixing the butter with the oil.
  9. Then, put the open layers on top of each other, cover them with a plastic bag, and let them rest again for another 20-30 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the filling.

The Filling

  1. As a start, we will clean the spinach well. We cut the spinach’s roots. Rinse spinach well into the water with vinegar. Since we will use uncooked spinach directly in the filling, it should be well washed.
  2. Also, clean and rinse the green onions in the same way.
  3. We will cut the spinach finely. As well, cut the green onions into small pieces.
  4. Then, sprinkle the spinach and the onions with salt, and press them well with our hands until we see that water is coming out.
  5. Add the crushed cheese there. Also, add the finely chopped herbs to the filling. Beat the egg and add it right there. We will mix them well and set them aside.

Opening the noodles and laying the pie

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We will prepare a baking pan by coating the base and sides with oil.
  2. Then, lay a clean table napkin. Take one of the opened noodles and open it bigger by hand. Pull it lightly to the sides so that it does not tear until the foil opens well.
  3. Sprinkle the noodles with a mixture of butter and oil.
  4. Then, fold the noodle 5-6 cm on one side. Add a strip from the prepared filling. Fold it over the filling again and roll it up by hand or by lifting the table cloth.
  5. We place it in the baking pan, or a circular shape, or adapting it to the pan you have.
  6. When finished, coat the top with the egg yolk. Add the remaining amount of butter and oil. You can also add the liquid that may have been leftover from the filling.
  7. Place it in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. Bake as you usually bake your pie.Byrek Me Spinaq- Family Cooking Recipes
  8. In the end, remove it from the oven, let it cool slightly. And, serve it warm cut into pieces.

Bon Appetit!Byrek Me Spinaq- Family Cooking Recipes


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