Pule Me Pershesh

The Albanian Traditional Culinary has many traditional cooking recipes dating back centuries. We grow up with these Albanian recipes, and many of them continue to be the favorite ones for many of us. One of them is Pule Me Pershesh, the recipe that we want to share with you today. Although in our daily life, we like to know, taste, and enjoy new international and modern culinary recipes, many of our traditional recipes resisted the time, and they are still cooked by Albanian women wherever they live all around the world.

And, Pule Me Pershesh is one of these recipes or “Dollme” like we call it in the South of Albania. It is an Albanian traditional delicious recipe, which owns festive tables and not only. Mainly, It used to cook for the Holiday Season.
We like to enjoy it even for a family happy meal. Usually, it used to cook with a Turkey for the Holiday Season, Christmas Eve, and New Year dinner, but in our daily meals, we can prepare this recipe with an organic chicken from the best farm near to our living area.

This recipe is a combination of the scone carbohydrates with chicken proteins for a delicious main dish. The recipe prepares with the scone that we break into small pieces, chicken stock season with cooked onion or leek and herbs. In the broth, we can add the chicken lives, as you prefer.

The preparation of the scone is different, and there are many recipes that you can try and used to cook in various areas of Albania. But two are the types of flour used to cook the stone or the bread for our recipe, the wheat and corn flours. We can cook a tasty scone using the wheat flour only, or mixing both corn and wheat flour, or using the cornbread, only. The cornflour makes the scone to be brittle.
We want to share with you how the scone prepares in the South.

For preparing a delicious recipe, we need to use a chicken grows in a natural or organic condition. The chicken stock is tastier when we use a chicken that grows on a natural and organic farm.

You can also read here other similar Albanian Traditional Recipes.


  1. Ingredients for the scone
  • 800 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 300 g natural yogurt
  • 300 ml of water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  1. Ingredients for “Pȅrshesh”
  • 1 organic chicken, about 1.5 kg, which we marinate with salt, pepper, olive oil, and butter.
  • Olive oil, 1-2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 small onion
  • the dry mint

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I will separate into three phases the preparation of this recipe.

1. The scone cook
2. preparing and cooking the chicken.
3. Preparing and cooking the “Pershesh”

1. The Scone cook- How to prepare tasty scone

The scone cooking process is very important in this recipe. We need to cook a soft and good baked scone. The scone cook is simple, a type of dough made with baking soda and without yeast, and if we use the right ingredients, we will succeed.Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes

  1. In a deep bowl, we will mix the dry ingredients: the sifted flour, salt, baking soda, and we will mix well all of them.
  2. In another bowl, we will mix all the liquid ingredients. First, we add the egg and beat it lightly with a fork, and after that, we add the yogurt and water and mix it all. We will add the liquid mixture to the dry one, adding it little by little to make a soft and non-sticky dough. We will knead the dough well until to be elastic and not strong.
    Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  4. We will prepare a Pyrex baking pan or any other pan that you use in your home to bake the bread, or the burek, etc. We will grease it with a little oil covering all the bottom and borders, and with our palms that we have made with little oil, too, we will open the scone dough to the baking pan. Once we open it well, we will pierce it with a fork. Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes
  5. We put it to bake in the preheated oven for about 30-35 minutes. The scone will get a beautiful golden color after baking.Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes
  6. We put out of the oven and from the baking pan and let it cool over an inverted plate.  Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes
  7. Once the scone cooled, we can cut it and break it in small pieces, keeping it apart for our recipe. Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking RecipesPule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking RecipesPule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes

2. Chicken Cooking.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. We clean the chicken from the bed feathers and rinse it well in running water (we can pas the chicken over a flame to burn the bed feathers that we can not clean), and we will marinate the chicken in all, without cutting it, with salt, pepper, olive oil, and a little butter.
    Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes
  3. We will put the chicken in a Pyrex baking dish, putting it with the belly part up, and put the baking dish in the preheated oven to bake for 1 hour and 30 minutes. You will calculate about  50-60 minutes of baking time for each kg of an organic chicken or a Turkey. If you are using other poultry may need less baking time. Anyway, it also depends on the type of oven that you will use to bake it.  The baked chicken must be soft, not dry, and to cut and separate easily. After the first 30 minutes of the baking time, we will butter the chicken, and in half of the baking time, we will add a glass of warm water because, in the end, we need the chicken stock. We can cover the baking dish with an aluminum sheet for keeping the chicken soft, and the oven will also be cleaner.
  4. After the chicken baked, we put it out of the oven and transfer it to a serving plate, covered with an aluminum sheet to keep it soft and warm. We will filtrate the chicken stock using a colander and keep it apart for our recipe.
    Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes

3. Preparing and cooking “Pershesh”

This last phase of our recipe has two steps. The first one, we need to break the scone into small and finely pieces. If you have already done this thing, let’s start to prepare the second one, the stock. Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes
The chicken stock for the cooking of the recipe must be tasty. For that reason, in a non-stick pot, we add a little olive oil and one tbsp of butter, and the finely chopped onion. We will stir fry the onion in low heat, do not burn it, but get melted and not crack in the mouth. Once the onion tender and melted, we will add two glasses of warm water and the chicken stock that we filtered before from the baked chicken. We will put the pot in low heat for the other five minutes.


Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking RecipesWe will season the stock that we prepare with salt, pepper, tasting first because the chicken stock that we add from baked chicken is salty. It will need one liter of prepared stock to prepare “Pershesh” with half of the scone that we cooked. We recommend measuring the chicken stock that you will add and if it needed to add other water.  This quantity of water and broken scone is for 4-5 servings. If you need to prepare more servings, you must use all the scones and double the stock quantity for the “Pershesh” recipe. If you need to prepare more servings that you must use all the scones and double the stock for the “Pershesh” recipe.

The herb that we use to season and give the character to this dish is the Albanian mint (Nenexhik). We add direct above the broken scone one tbsp of dry mint. You can also use fresh mint, but in this case, we add it to the stock and let it boil together with onion to season the stock.











When the stock is ready, we put it hot over the broken scone, which at this moment it cooled. We add the hot stock gradually and little by little, mixing the broken scone carefully with a wood or silicone spoon. It needs to get soft, but not too porous. We serve it warm, with the baked chicken.

Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes

It is a delicious main plate for a family lunch or dinner meal. It can keep in a refrigerator container for 1-2 days, and to warm before serving it. This a plate that can also consume during lunchtime in your office area, warming it before serving.

Pule Me Pershesh- Family Cooking Recipes

Bon Appetit!

Thank you for stopping by and reading this traditional Albanian recipe.
You are welcome to explore our blog for other traditional recipes and not only them. Please, you can leave questions or comments in the form below. We want to hear from you.

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2 thoughts on “Pule Me Pershesh”

  1. Thank you for taking the time to share this recipe. It is true that in spite of the fact that we are exposed to recipes from other countries, those that are indigineous to our home countries linger on, and that is good. We may take them for granted because we would have eaten them for a long time. To the stranger however, it’s a new treat for their taste buds and some people go on to adopt differrent recipes that become a part of their diet. Thus, it is possible to go somewhere strange and stumble upon a recipe from your home country.

    • Hello Russell

      Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate. Yes, any of us can indeed have a possible encounter with a traditional recipe abroad. Many other compatriots live abroad, and at the same time, the internet helps to share the tradition. 




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