Spinach is one of the healthiest greens we find fresh almost every time of the year. This Spinach And Rice Soup is a simple recipe but full of nutritional value for a first course for lunch or dinner, even on cold winter days.
Furthermore, it is a recipe we can cook for the whole family, including young children.
Also, we can cook spinach in pies, salad, risotto, salty cakes, and many delicious ideas for the whole family. Explore our Blog for more recipes and cooking ideas with spinach.
- 300 g cleaned fresh spinach
- 1 small onion
- 2-3 tbsp of rice
- salt, olive oil
- black pepper
- a little butter
- Chicken stock
- pieces of chicken if desired
- Lemon juice
- As a start, we will sauté the finely chopped onion with olive oil until it softens.
- Next, add the spinach, which we have rinsed well, drained from the water, and cut thin. Also, add a little salt and cover with a lid.
- Then, as soon as we see that the spinach has decreased in volume and softened, add the chicken juice and rice and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Also, add pieces of chicken meat if you wish.
- In the end, we will arrange the soup with black pepper, lemon juice as desired, and olive oil or a little fresh butter.
- Finally, serve the soup warm. It is delicious and low-calorie cooking.
Bon Appetit!
My Last Thought
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