Pasha Qofte

Pasha Qofte is an Albanian traditional hot soup recipe, very tasty and lovely for all the family. To cook this recipe, first, we need to prepare the ground beef meatball dough. You can see the recipe here.


  • 300 g of ground beef meatballs dough
  • 1- small onion
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 1/4 cerely stick
  • Salt, pepper
  • Fresh parsley, lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • bechamel sauce

For the bechamel sauce

  • 250 ml of milk
  • 25 g unsalted butter
  • 25 g of flour
  • A little salt

You can have a look to the bechamel sauce recipe Here, for more details about it.


  1. As I mentioned above, we have ready the ground beef meatballs dough. We shape the meatballs dough with the palms of our hands, making small meatballs at the size of a cherry or olive.
  2. In a nonstick pan, add 2 tbsp olive oil, and the blended onion, carrot, cerely, and stir the mix together in medium heat until it tender.Pasha Qofte- Family Cooking Recipes
  3. Add the small meatballs at the same pan, and stir-fry for some minutes. Add the water, about 1,5 litre, or more depending on the quantity of the serving, and let it boil in medium heat for 20 minutes.Pasha Qofte- Family Cooking Recipes
  4. In another pan, we add butter, flour, stir- mix until golden, and add the milk to prepare the bechamel sauce. We add a cup from the soup to the bechamel, mixing well and add all to the soup. The soup will be creamy.Pasha Qofte- Family Cooking Recipes
  5. Season the Pasha Qofte soup with black pepper, lemon juice, and finely chopped fresh parsley. Serve it warm.Pasha Qofte- Family Cooking Recipes

Bon Appetit!

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