Easy Stuffed Squid

This Easy Stuffed Squid is a simple recipe that must be part of our table during our summer meals. This plate is an appetizer, first plate, or a side dish for a family lunch or dinner with other seafood cooking recipes. This is a quick and easy recipe, ready to taste in a few minutes. The part that needs more time in this recipe is the clean and preparation of the squids. We will explain in details how to do this, but you can also choose to buy cleaned squids at the fish market.

IngredientsEasy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes

  • 600 g squids
  • Fresh parsley
  • Salt, pepper, dry oregano
  • 2 bread slices
  • 1/2 glass of white wine
  • Garlic, chilly pepper, olive oil


First, we clean squids, separating the body from their heads. The squid’s body is the part that we’ll use to stuff. From the head part, we’ll take the squid’s legs to use in the filling mixture.

We keep the squid’s body as it is, removing carefully the transparent bone. We clean very well removing the inside parts and rinsing in running water. We need to remove the skin, and oysters, too. In the end, we will have the white squid’s body ready for stuffed. From the head part, we will keep the legs or the part from the eyes and down, removing the mouth and rinsing well in running water.

Filling preparation.

  1. In a pan, we add the chopped garlic, olive oil, and chilly pepper, if you like it.Easy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes
  2. Cut the squid’s leg in small pieces and add to the pan to cook for 2-3 minutes in medium heat. Add a little white wine.Easy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes
  3. Once the alcohol evaporated, add the chopped bread, herbs, salt, pepper.Easy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes
  4. Fill the squids with a spoon and close with a tooth stick.Easy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes
  5. In a pan, add olive oil and a garlic clove.
  6. Add the stuffed squids and stir-fry for about 5 minutes by all the sides.Easy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes
  7. Add the white wine and let to evaporate in high heat for about 1 minute.Easy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes
  8. Serve the stuffed calamari immediately.

Easy Stuffed Squid-Family Cooking Recipes

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