Cherry Custard Pie Recipe- Delicious Cherry Clafoutis

Cherry Custard Pie Recipe is a delicious Clafoutis Cherry Dessert of French cuisine, easy to prepare and enjoy. Furthermore, you can cook this dessert with whatever kind of fruit you want, but since we are in the cherry season, it tastes good during the May and June months.

Above all, prepare it in a few minutes, bake it in the oven, and you can enjoy it both hot and cold from the fridge at every meal of the day.

Also, you can try our Cherry Jam,  Cherry Compote, or Cherry Cake.

Ingredients- 24 cm baking tray

  • 500-600 g cherries cleaned of kernels
  • 3 eggs
  • 75 g of flour
  • 75 g sugar
  • 180 ml of milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 50 g sliced or chopped almonds
  • other aromas as you like
  • 20 g of melted butter
  • a pinch of salt
  • icing sugar for the top


  1. As a start, we will clean the washed and drained cherries from the kernels. You can use a core extractor, a knife tip, or a pin so that the grain remains intact.
  2. Then, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Prepare a baking pan for cakes by coating the base with butter and sprinkling one tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  3. We will place the grain cherries covering the entire base.Cherry Custard Pie Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  4. Next, in a glass bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar with a hand wire, and add the vanilla, milk, and sifted flour. The result will be a thin mixture. Also, add the almonds in pieces or slices and the melted and cooled butter at the end.
    Cherry Custard Pie Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  5. Then, throw the whole mass over the cherries.
  6. Next, bake it in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes until it takes on the beautiful baking color on the surface and swells.Cherry Custard Pie Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  7. Then, remove it from the oven, let cool, transfer to a serving plate, and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
    Cherry Custard Pie Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  8. Finally, serve it in slices for breakfast or during your daily meals.Cherry Custard Pie Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes

Bon Appetit!Cherry Custard Pie Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes

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