Beef And Pasta Soup

Beef and Pasta Soup is one of the most popular recipes by everyone in the family, especially children.

I believe everyone cooks this first course daily. I want to share how I cook it in our family, the version we like.

You can also cook this soup with bone broth if you do not have beef. You can also try the Beef and Rice Soup.


  • 100 g of beef
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 Cerely stalk
  • 1 little onion
  • 100 g of pasta soup
  • 1 egg yolk
  • a little milk
  • Lemon
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil
  • fresh parsley


  1. First, we will prepare the soup broth by boiling the meat with the vegetables cut into large pieces and a little salt for 30 minutes.
  2. Let it cool a bit and drain the liquid.
  3. We will chop the meat and make it into threads. You can add small pieces of carrot to the soup if you want.
  4. We will put the juice with the chopped meat and the crushed carrot to boil again and add the pasta soup.
  5. When the pasta has boiled properly, we will taste the soup with the sauce that we will prepare with the egg yolk, 2-3 tablespoons of milk, and the juice of half a lemon. We will mix this marinade well.Beef And Pasta Soup-Family
  6. Remove the soup from the heat, and it should be liquidy because the egg yolk will thicken it a bit.
    Add a little of the soup liquid to the egg. In this way, it will have the same temperature as the soup liquid when we add it to the soup.
  7. Add the egg mixture with lemon to the soup and mix well. We add minced parsley, black pepper, and olive oil. Add the lemon as desired if you want.
  8. Serve the soup warm.Beef And Pasta Soup-Family

Bon Appetit!Beef And Pasta Soup-Family

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