Red Cabbage And Carrot Salad

The recipe of Red Cabbage And Carrot Salad is one of the healthier salads we use during the autumn and winter season when we find these products fresher and full of flavor. Red cabbage, as well as white cabbage, is a significant source of vitamins C and K, providing respectively 44% and 72% of our daily needs for these two vitamins for every 100 g of raw red cabbage consumed. Red cabbage can eat quite well raw as we will serve it in this recipe, but it can cook and use either in salads or as an accompaniment or side dish to meat-based dishes. Cabbage is a good cleanser of the body, cleansing us of various toxins and poisons, and is considered a good protector against colon cancer. Therefore, during the winter season, we should consume as much as possible, taking all the nutritional values ​​that these seasonal greens offer us.

In today’s recipe, we used raw cabbage combined with other vegetables and seasonal fruits, such as carrots, oranges, olives. You can prepare it in the same way and use other veggies or fruits if you want, or even sliced ​​cheese or cube.

Carrots also contain high values ​​of vitamin A, providing us with over 100% of the daily requirements ​​in every 100 grams of carrots, and it also is rich in B-carotene, Vitamin K, and B6.
Same as Carrot, the third ingredient in this salad recipe, the orange is rich ​​in Vitamin C, providing 64% of our daily needs. All the ingredients used in this recipe are a rich source of vitamins and mineral salts necessary for the body, being a healthy meal.

White Cabbage Salad Recipe


For dressing

  • one lemon (juice)
  • orange juice
  • 2- tbsp apple vinegar
  • 3-4 tbsp olive oil
  • salt, pepper, fresh parsley


  1. Preparing our salad takes only 5 minutes, as all the ingredients are fresh and raw.
  2. We will cut the red cabbage finely, which we clean first from the upper leaves, and rinsed in running water. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt, and toss in a deep glass bowl. If you want, you can also press it a little with your hands so that the salt marinates it and softens it.
  3. We will peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices.
    We peel oranges and cut them into slices, using only the middle part of each orange piece, for our salad. We keep the juice that remains from cutting for the dressing.
  4. In a small bowl, we will add orange juice, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, finely chopped fresh parsley, and mix well.
  5. In a bowl, mix all the salad ingredients, including the olives and grapes, toss over the marinade and mix well. Place them nicely on the plate or salad bowl to be served, adding a little olive oil on top and fresh parsley.
    This salad is served cold, so even if it is prepared 1-2 hours before the meal, it will be even tastier as the cabbage is marinated even better.

Bon Appetit! Red Cabbage And Carrot Salad-family Cooking Recipes

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