Octopus With Tomato Sauce

Octopus With Tomato Sauce is a tasty seafood recipe. You can only cook it with octopus and tomatoes, but it is also delicious to add other seafood ingredients. I cook it with squid, too.
I chose baby octopuses for this recipe, as they cook faster.

When we use an octopus for this recipe, we cook it first separately in another pot with bay leaves and carrot. I explained this in our Octapous Salad recipe. After that, add the boiled octopus to cook it in tomato sauce.

You can enjoy this octopus recipe with some toast, make bruschettas with it, or with your favorite pasta.
Try our other octopus recipes: Spicy Octopus Salad, or Octopus and potato recipe.

IngredientsOctopus With Tomato Sauce-Family Cooking Recipes

  • 3-4 baby octopus or a large octopus about 1 kg
  • 2 squids
  • ½ glass of white wine
  • 3-4 ripe tomatoes
  • 300 ml of tomato puree
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • salt, pepper, olive oil, fresh parsley


  1. We will clean the baby octopus and the squids. Cut them all into pieces.
  2. In a pan, add olive oil and garlic cloves. Add the bay leaves and finely chopped parsley legs to sauté and flavor the olive oil.
  3. Once the oil is slightly heated, we will add the baby octopus and the squids in pieces.Octopus With Tomato Sauce-Family Cooking Recipes
  4. We will mix them well, and after a few minutes, we extinguish them with white wine. While the alcoholic part evaporates, we will add the peeled and minced tomatoes.
  5. Add salt and pepper, and let the tomatoes cook together with the octopus.Octopus With Tomato Sauce-Family Cooking Recipes Octopus With Tomato Sauce-Family Cooking Recipes
  6. When we see that the tomato starts to turn into a sauce, we will add the tomato puree.
    Season all with salt, pepper, if necessary, and olive oil.
    Add a little warm water, and let it cook on medium heat until the baby octopus and squids remain in a well-combined sauce and not too liquid.Octopus With Tomato Sauce-Family Cooking Recipes
  7. We will add fresh parsley at the end, and our recipe is ready to be served.
    I suggest you prepare bruschettas with it or enjoy it with toasted bread as it is super delicious.

Bon Appetit!Octopus With Tomato Sauce-Family Cooking Recipes

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