White Cabbage Salad Recipe

White cabbage is a vegetable of the season, and it is better to consume it during the cold seasons. It, like all other types of cabbages, has many nutritional values ​​and vitamins, such as Vitamin C and the group of Vitamins B, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9. Cabbage is also rich in many mineral salts such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc. It is considered a plant that keeps viruses away and fights cancer cells in the body. It can be consumed both raw and cooked.
Today we want to share with you a way of cooking White Cabbage Salad Recipe, which we have cooked alive, but if you like to cook this salad with cooked cabbage, simmer it a little in salted water and follow the same way of preparation and marinating. The salad is tasty to consume as a side dish or as a salad and the first vegetarian dish at lunch or dinner.

Baked Cabbage Recipe


  • White Cabbage
  • 1-carrot
  • 2-radishes
  • 1-lemon
  • olive oil, salt


  1. We take a piece of cabbage, depends on how much salad you are going to prepare and the cabbage size. I used 1/4 of it. After we have cleaned it from the upper leaves, we cut it finely with a knife and throw it in a deep salad bowl. Peel a rinsed carrot, cut it into thin slices. The same with the radishes, rinse well and cut them into thin round pieces. Marinate the salad with oil, salt, lemon juice, and a few slices of thinly sliced ​​lemon. You can also add fresh pepper and parsley if you wish. It will add even more flavor. Mix it all and serve. This salad can prepare fast and quick, but we recommend to prepare it earlier than you will eat it. In this way, the cabbage will marinate even better.

Bon Appetit!White Cabbage Salad Recipe-Family Cooking RecipesWhite Cabbage Salad Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes

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