Squid Risotto Recipe

Risottos like pasta recipes are easy to cook and mush tasty first plates, which we can prepare with the ingredients we like or are in the kitchen.

This Squid Risotto Recipe with vegetables is a delicious and simple one, a healthy combination of seafood and vegetables nutritional value. You can cook the recipe for lunch or dinner and serve it to the whole family.

You can also try our  Stuffed Squid and Fried Calamari.


  • 300 g of squids
  • 400 g of risotto rice
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 leek or onion
  • 3-4  cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 glass of wine white
  •  salt, pepper, fresh parsley
  • olive oil
  • 1 tbsp butter,
  • 2 tbsp ground Grana cheese
  • 2-liter vegetable stock


  1. We clean the squid and cut them into circular pieces.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetable juice. Simmer for 20 minutes, onion or leek, carrot, and parsley. You can also add some fish head for more flavor.
  3. We start to cook the risotto by mincing the thin leeks and sautéing it with olive oil.
  4. Chop the squash and carrots into small cubes and add them to the pot. Shake them carefully for 2-3 minutes.Squid Risotto Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  5. Add the squid and continue mixing.
  6. Add the small tomatoes cut in half.
  7. Once we see that the squid gets on their golden color, we add the rice. We choose the rice suitable for the risotto.
  8. Mix the rice with all the vegetables and squid for 2 minutes and quench it with white wine.Squid Risotto Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  9. After evaporating the alcoholic part, we start to add the hot vegetable stock to cook the risotto. We cover all and mix well. We add hot stock once the rice absorbs the first one and will continue like this until the rice cook properly.Squid Risotto Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  10. Finally, add the instantly ground black pepper and finely chopped fresh parsley. You can also add a little butter and grated cheese before removing from heat. It will make the risotto creamy.
  11. Serve it warm.

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