This Sea Bass Salt Crust Recipe is very tasty and we can prepare it in a simple way. I consider this cooking way of the fish very healthy, without adding oils, or other ingredients. In this way, we can taste the real flavour of the fresh fish providing for our organism all the nutritional value from it.
For someone, fish cooking can be not so easy, but in fact, it is really simple. We can cook it and prepare with the fish, delicious main dishes for all the family. If you find it difficult to clean the fish, you can buy it cleaned or ask to the fish market to clean the fish for you. We will share with you simple and tasty fish cooking recipes.
The fish is one of the best food for our organism and can consume in every age, even from the young babies. When you buy big fishes, we recommend to cook it in all, without cutting it in pieces. In this way, you can serve it in a nice way and prepare a delicious plate. Fish can cook very fast comparing with meats or poultry.
- 1 sea bass about 600 g
- 2 kg of gross salt
- 1/2 glass of water
- Olive oil, pepper and lemon for the serving part
- We clean the fish very well removing the intentional parts, rinse in running water, and dry it with kitchen paper. Don’t cut it, just put a little salt inside.
- Preheat the oven at 200 degrees.
- Prepare the salt adding the water.
- In a baking pan add 1/3 of salt, creating a thick layer 1,5 cm. If you prefer you can add herbs in the salt, like rosemary, salvia, thyme, etc. Put the fish above the salt layer and cover all the fish surface with the rest of the salt. We need to cover all the fish.
- Put the fish to bake in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes. It depends on the oven that you have, but in general, you need to calculate 5 minutes of baking time for each 100 g of raw fish.
- After removing from the oven, we break the salt crust with a kitchen knife, or something else, we clean the fish carefully from the salt and remove its skin.
We clean from bones and serve it garnished with a little olive oil, fresh ground pepper, and lemon juice if you like.
Bon Appetit!
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