Roast Beef Fillet

This Roast Beef Fillet recipe is a tasty main course for a Sunday lunch or family and friends reunions. You can also serve it as an appetizer in buffets prepared for family celebrations.
The recipe cooks readily and has a technique different from pressure-cooked roast or fillet.
So, the fillet or roast is first transferred to the pan and then finished cooking in the oven.

You can also try Roast In The Oven.


  • One piece of beef fillet – about 1 kg
  • salt, pepper, rosemary, olive oil


  1. First, rinse and dry the beef fillet with kitchen paper.
  2. Then, in a non-stick pan or saucepan, preferably for baking, add a pinch of olive oil and a sprig of rosemary. Also, you can avoid the olive oil if your pan is pretty good and not sticky at all.
  3. So, we will pass the uncut fillet in the pan by rotating it on all sides until they get a light gold color in each corner of it. This way, all the meat juice will remain inside, and the fillet will be soft and full of flavor after roasting it in the oven.
  4. Next, when we see that the meat no longer has any red parts, we will marinate its sides with salt and pepper. Add the rosemary and olive oil on top.
  5. Then, put it in the oven preheated to 200-220 degrees and bake it for 35-40 minutes. It depends on your roasted oven programs. Also, you can roast it much or lightly based on your flavor. We will see that the meat from the outside will take on a nice reddish color and crunchy skin.
  6. So, take it out of the oven, let it cool a bit, and cut it into thin slices.
  7. You can accompany it with its juice, or prepare a sauce with the meat juice, with butter and a little flour or starch. Also, roasted or caramelized vegetables are a yummy accompaniment to this dish.

Bon Appetit!Roast Beef Fillet-Family Cooking Recipes

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