Today we want to share a simple but tasty recipe, Orange And Black Olive Salad Recipe.
Olive is one of the foods with rich nutritional values to be consumed during the autumn and winter season. Olive is one of the best suppliers of vitamin E for our body, providing 25% of our daily need for this vitamin. It also contains a high amount of sodium and polyphenols necessary for our body. With olives, whether green or black, we can prepare dozens of recipes using it in salads combined with seasonal vegetables and fruits, but also in dishes based on dough is bread, or focaccia, in pasta sauces, in meat-based side dishes, etc.
- 200-300 g Black Olives
- 1-2 lemons
- 2-oranges
- 1-leek (the white part)
- 1- carrot
- salt, oregano, olive oil
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- We will chop finely or cut into thin slices. We will peel the carrot and cut it into round parts. We will dice the whole washed lemon into cubes.
Peel the oranges, and cut the middle part of each orange slice into thin pieces, and we keep the juice that remains from the cutting for dressing. - In a large bowl, we will add the black olives and add all the other ingredients. We will add orange juice, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, mixed in a small bowl, on top of the salad for marinating it. We will add dried oregano, which gives a lot of flavor to the olive salad.
- Mix them well and consume them as a salad at a family lunch.
Bon Appetit!
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