Fresh Raspberry Jam Recipe

Raspberry is part of berries fruits, very tasty and rich in vitamins.

Personally, I consider the best the wild raspberry, but the cultivated ones are also very good, tasty and healthy. They are a good source of our daily value of Vitamin C, like all the other berry fruits family, where the raspberry is part. They can consume fresh, or cooked in jams or sauced to use in different recipes in our homes.

We like to share with you our Fresh Raspberry Jam Recipe. This is a delicate and delicious jam, that we can consume during our breakfast meals with crusted bread and fresh butter, but at the same time it can be a good ingredient to use in our desserts recipes.

IngredientsFresh Raspberry Jam Recipe -Family

  • 1 kg of fresh red raspberries
  • 400 g of sugar
  • 1 lemon


  1. Rinse the raspberries well and put them in a colander to dry from the remaining water.
  2.  Put the cleaned Raspberries in a glass or porcelain bowl, add 100 g of sugar, and the lemon juice. Cover the bowl with a lid or pellicle, and let the Raspberries sit in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.Fresh Raspberry Jam Recipe -Family Cooking Recipes
  3. Passing the time, transfer the Raspberries in a deep pan, add the other part of sugar, and let them boil in a medium to low heat for 10  minutes. They are delicate fruits and don’t need too much time to cook.Fresh Raspberry Jam Recipe -Family Cooking Recipes
  4.  Let the jam to cool and check its thickness. If it is necessary, put the pan in low heat and boil the jam for some other minutes.Fresh Raspberry Jam Recipe -Family Cooking Recipes
  5. The jam needs to conserve in the sterilized jars. For more detailed about the conservation ways, please refer to our Strawberry Jam Recipe, because we explain in this article this information. You can find the recipe here.Fresh Raspberry Jam Recipe -Family Cooking Recipes

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