Easy Orange Cookies Recipe

Cookies are one of the fastest types of sweets, which delight the whole family, especially children. I take care to bake the cookies for my daughter by myself, rather than choosing to buy them ready-made. Today I want to share this Easy Orange Cookies Recipe, a quick and easy recipe, since we are in the season when we have oranges in bulk, and we can enjoy their aroma and taste best in this recipe as well. The biscuits turn out very tasty, crunchy, and you can use them for breakfast or in the afternoon. You can use it very well for the holidays since Cinnamon is one of the aromas that characterize the various Christmas cookies.


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  • 330 g all-purpose flour
  • 1-egg
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 100 ml of corn oil
  • 1- orange (zest and juice)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 3-4 tbsp granulated brown sugar
  • 3-4 tbsp icing (powder) sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. In a bowl, we will beat the egg with the sugar until the sugar dissolves, and it makes a creamy mixture, add the oil and continue mixing, add the orange peel and the juice and mix them all well.
  3. In another bowl, we mixed the sifted flour with the cinnamon and the cake puff.
  4. Add this mixture to the liquid mass and knead a soft dough.Easy Orange Cookies Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  5. We will take a baking pan lined with parchment paper and start shaping our cookies, rounding them to the size of a walnut, and then passing them to the granulated sugar (if you do not have a brown one, you can use white) and then in powdered (icing) sugar.
    Easy Orange Cookies Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  6. Transfer them to the baking pan and bake them in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven, let cool, and serve as desired.

Bon Appetit!Easy Orange Cookies Recipe-Family Cooking RecipesEasy Orange Cookies Recipe-Family Cooking RecipesIMG_20201112_100341

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