Easy Lemon Muffins Recipe

Muffins are one of the best choices for breakfast or for a snack to take in school or daycare. We want to share this Easy Lemon Muffins Recipe with you for a quick and easy cooking and a delicious flavor.


• 240 g all-purpose flour
• 100 g of sugar
• 100 ml of corn oil
• 100 ml of milk
• 2- eggs
• 1 lemon (juice and zest)
• 8 g baking powder
• a little salt
• powder sugar


  1. We prepare all the ingredients before starting to cook the recipe.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  3. We prepare a muffin baking pan, greasing, and sprinkling it with flour. If you have muffing baking paper, then use them.
  4. In a deep bowl, we will mix the sifted flour with baking powder and salt.
  5. In another bowl, add eggs and beat them with a hand beater with the sugar. Add the oil, lemon juice and zest, and the milk and mix all well.
  6. Add the flour into the liquid bowl mixing it softly until to make the muffin dought.Easy Lemon Muffins Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  7. With a spoon, we will fill the muffin shapes in ¾ of each of them and put it to bake in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes. Do the toothpick test.
    Easy Lemon Muffins Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
  8. Turn of the oven, let them cool for a while, transfer in a serving dish, sprinkling with powder sugar. Easy Lemon Muffins Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes
    We can eat them for breakfast, snack, with a coffee, tea, glass of milk, or juice.

Bon Appetit!Easy Lemon Muffins Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes

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