Pasta recipes are a quick and easy first plate, and we can prepare them in many various ways and recipes, using whatever ingredients that we have in our kitchen. There are hundreds of simple and tasty recipes that we can prepare using just a few ingredients for a delicious first plate in a dinner or lunch meal. Such is our Creamy Bacon Carbonara Pasta Recipe, very tasty, easy to prepare, in a few minutes.
It is a traditional Italian pasta recipe, and its secret is in following right the cooking directions and using the right ingredients. This pasta recipe sauce is a combination of the pork fat that we extract from the fried pork bacon or pork cheek with Pecorino cheese and the eggs. If for any health issues or just that you don’t like the Pecorino cheese, then you can replace it with Parmigiano cheese or mix the grated cheese quantity that we use in the recipe half Pecorino and half Parmigiano cheese.
It is a dish that tastes warm, creamy, and full of flavors, and it is perfect and offers the necessary calories for a rainy and cold fall or winter day.
Ingredients – 4 Servings
- 400 g spaghetti pasta
- 150 g smoked bacon Negroni or pork cheek
- 100 g grated Pecorino cheese or Parmigiano cheese
- 2 – egg yolks
- 1 -egg
- pepper
- salt
- In a pasta pot, add cold water and put it to boil for cooking the pasta.
- In a sauce non-sticky pan, add the diced bacon, without adding other fats, and stir-fry in medium heat, until the bacon golden, to not burn and release her fat in the pan.
- During this time, we prepare the eggs and cheese creamy. In a bowl, add the pecorino cheese, egg yolks, and the egg, and we will mix to make it creamy. Add the fresh grated black pepper to season it.
- When the water is ready, we add the salt in it and the pasta to cook. We will cook pasta a few minutes less than the indicated time. The spaghetti that I cooked needs 11 minutes of cooking time, and I cook them for 7-8 minutes. We will finish the pasta cooking in the saucepan.
- During this time, the bacon gets ready, and we take it off from the pan, keeping in it the bacon fat only. In the saucepan, we will add 2-3 dippers form the pasta cooking water and put it to boil with the bacon fat to make a creamy.
- We transfer the dried pasta in the saucepan and cook it for the other 2-3 minutes. We will add a little water from the cooking pasta pot if needed. Once the pasta is ready and the saucepan still has a little liquid, we will turn off the heat and mix pasta for about 30 seconds to gets it lukewarm. The pasta must be not too hot at the moment we will add the creamy eggs.
- Add the egg and cheese cream to the saucepan, keeping the heat off, and mix well until all the cream to mix with pasta. We put the saucepan in the heat again, and mix for about other 30 seconds until to make a creamy sauce.
Add half of the bacon quantity in the saucepan, and mix it well. The other half of the crispy bacon, we will add in the individual serving dishes. Serve it immediately. You can accompany it with a glass of your favorite red wine.
Bon Appetit!
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