Hello Friends,
We love Summer, it is plenty of colours and offers many choices regarding the veggies and their cooking ideas.
Today, we want to share with you a tasty vegetarian recipe, Best Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers Recipe. This is an oven recipe, that mostly is cooked in the summer. The fresh peppers make it unique and tasty for all the family. It also is healthy cooking, based on fresh and seasonal vegetables. We have shared different peppers cooking recipes until now, and this one, it is one of these recipes that must be part of your family cookings.
Ingredients – 4-6 Servings
- 6-7 bell peppers
- 1- onion
- 1-carrot
- 1-zucchini
- 1 – green pepper
- 3- ripe tomatoes
- Salt, pepper
- Olive oil
- Fresh parsley and mint
- 300 g of rice
- Preheat the oven at 200 degrees.
- Rinse all the veggies in running water.
- Clean the bell peppers from their tails and seeds.
- Grease a baking dish, transfer all the cleaned peppers to the baking dish, add a little salt and oil and put in the preheated oven to bake for 15-20 minutes.
- During this time, we prepare the filling. Chopped the onion finely, peel the carrot and cut in dice. Cut in the same way, the zucchini, the green pepper. Peel the tomatoes, and cut in dice or ground in a grater.
- In a pan, add a little oil, and add the chopped onion. Stir-fry for some minutes until it tender. Add the other veggies, carrot, pepper, zucchini and continue to cook until they tender.
- Add the ground tomatoes and cook for about 10 minutes in medium heat, until tomatoes melted. Add salt and pepper.
Add the cleaned and washed rice and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes. - Add warm water until it covers and cooks in medium heat for other 4-5 minutes.
- Add the fresh chopped herbs, but you also can use dry ones.
- Preheat the oven at 200 degrees.
- Grease a glass baking dish.
- Stuff the bell peppers with the rice and veggies that we prepare, and put in the baking dish. The rest of the mixture add to the baking tin. Add 2 glasses of warm water and put in the preheated oven to bake for 25 minutes.
The baked rice is crusty on the surface and soft inside. You can serve it warm, with a cold yoghurt soup with cucumber and homemade yoghurt.
If you are meat lovers, you can prepare this recipe with minced beef or lamb. The ingredients are the same, you will add the minced beef and decrease rice quantity. The minced beef will add, after the onion and carrot fry, and cook it for 5-6 minutes, before adding the other ingredients. You can use this stuffed recipe with other veggies like zucchini, tomato, or eggplant. In this way, you will fulfil all your family members flavours.
Bon Appetit!
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