Best Fried Calamari Recipe

This Best Fried Calamari Recipe can serve as a first plate, a one serving main dish or a hot appetizer for a family meal with fish and seafood cookings. Calamari is seafood that can easily cook fried, grilled, baked, or in sauces, for preparing first plates, appetizers, or main plates. It combines very well with pasta, rice, veggies, like potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini,  peas, carrot, etc. for preparing delicious tasty risottos or pasta recipes. This recipe is easy to do and taste in a few minutes.

Best Fried Calamari Recipe- Family Cooking Recipes

  • 5-6 medium calamari (squids)
  • 3-4 tbsp durum wheat flour
  • Salt, 1 lemon, fresh parsley
  • Corn oil for frying


  1. We clean and rinse well our calamari, and rut them in rings. Dry all of them using a kitchen Paper from the remaining water. We prepare the flour in an open dish.Best Fried Calamari Recipe- Family Cooking Recipes
  2. In a pan for frying, add oil to heat. We fry calamari’s rings, passing first in the flour. It is not necessary to very flourish, because in this way the calamari’s rings don’t get to much oil. Calamari’s rings will be ready in 3-4 minutes until they are golden. We transfer in a plate with kitchen paper to eliminate the remaining oil.
  3. We continue like this up to the end. We serve the fried rings warm and season with lemon and fresh chopped parsley. This plate can taste perfectly with a glass of white wine.

Bon Appetit!

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