Best Custard Tart Recipe

Crostata or tarts are one of the sweets that everyone enjoys. They are easy to prepare based on the sweet shortcrust pastry, which cooks with flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. Today we want to share with you the Best Custard Tart Recipe, a delicious combination of the shortcrust pastry, custard cream, and fresh fruit.

Furthermore, it is a yummy dessert to eat after a meal, for a family party, banquets, or other occasions. It is also delicious for your breakfast or snack time with a cup of tea, milk, or coffee.
The secret to preparing a delicious custard tart is in cooking first a tasty shortcrust pastry and a delicious custard cream. You can find recipes to cook them below included in this article.

Best Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

Best Homemade Custard Recipe

Ingredients for a 24-26 cm baking pan

For shortcrust pastry

  • 200 g all-purpose flour
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 100 g of butter
  • 1-egg
  • lemon zest
  • a little salt

For custard cream

  • 4-egg yolks
  • 500 ml of milk
  • 4 tbsp of sugar
  • 2 tbsp of corn starch
  • Lemon zest or vanilla extract

For the jelly 

  • 125 ml of water
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 8 g of corn starch

Various favorite fruit to decorate the tart


  1. First, we will prepare the shortcrust pastry following the directions in the recipe above. We wrap it with plastic paper and let it sit in the refrigerator for one hour.
    When we are ready to continue with the preparation of the dessert, we take the dough out of the fridge, and we will roll it over a baking paper, following the dimensions of the baking pan where we will bake it. We used for this amount of dough a casserole lined with baking paper, with a diameter of 24-26 cm.
  2. Transfer the layer to the baking pan, making sure that it covers 2-3 cm of the side border.
    We put a baking paper sheet on top of the layer, and on top of that, we use dried beans to weigh above it.
    Beans cause the dough to weigh during baking and the shortcrust pastry to form a crust and not spoil the shape by swelling. So after baking it, we can fill it with cream and then decorate it as we like, in our case with custard cream and fruits. (we recommend not cooking the beans after baking anymore, but to keep apart the beans for other baking shortcrust pastry recipes).
  3. We bake the shortcrust pastry in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes until it is golden brown. We remove it from the oven and let it cool. During this time we can prepare the custard cream.
  4. For cooking the best custard, you can refer to the directions in the custard recipe above. We transfer it to a container and cover it with transparent paper and let it cool as well.
  5. We cut the fruit into slices, which we rinsed and dried well first, and keep apart to decorate our tart. You can use your imagination to decorate it. We decorate it for a birthday party, using shortcrust pastry for the number on the top of the tart.
  6. In a bowl, we add sugar and starch and mix them well with cold water.
    Add this liquid mixture to a nonsticky saucepan, and put them on medium heat to boil for about 3 minutes. We let it cool properly before using it.
  7. We decorate the tart. Place the base of the shortcrust pastry biscuit on a serving plate and fill it with the custard cream. Place the fruits on top and coat them with jelly with a brush. Place the cake in the refrigerator to rest for at least 1 hour for the gelatin to thicken and serve at the moment you want.

Bon Appetit!Custard And Fruit Tart Recipe-Family Cooking Recipes

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My Last Thought

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